We all look forward to shedding the wool as winter recedes, or proverbially pulling it from our eyes as the saying goes. As we emerge from under the layers and hazy vision of the colder months, so our cars come out from under the freezing temperatures, snow, sleet, and ice requiring attention and care. Ensure your vehicle's road worthiness and performance, prolong its engine's life, and prevent expensive repairs with these seasonal preparedness tips.
Spring to it with these car care tips:
Too taut or tired tread?
Fluctuating temperatures cause changes in tire pressure which can lead to overinflated tires if left unchecked. Overinflated tires wear prematurely and are less safe. While you're checking and adjusting the pressure of your tires also inspect the tread for damage.
Wet weather ahead
Wiper blades often crack and wear under the stress of ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. Ensure your blades are primed to handle the heavy seasonal spring rains with cleaning and a possible replacement.
Safely sprung and sparking
Engine maintenance is vital at any time of year and especially after winter freezes that can wear and degrade the belts and hoses under your hood. A thorough engine check will also address the coolant, windshield wiper, and brake fluid levels.
Comfort in the cabin
After a dormant period, it is common for air conditioners to require attention and recharging of their refrigerant. An expert inspection of the system will ensure its correct functioning.
Spruce up the sides
The common winter practice of salting roads clears and removes ice but contributes to the build-up of grime and debris on your vehicle. A thorough exterior clean, including the undersides of the car, will address any debris that can turn to rust as the temperatures climb. Exterior lights should be scrubbed clean of any accumulated dirt to ensure clear night vision and all bulbs need to be checked.
Coming out of the cold and preparing your vehicle for the frivolity of the road adventures ahead needn't be a daunting task. Relieve the stress of Spring proofing your car with a visit to our auto repair shop today.