Posted on 9/21/2021

Keeping your battery properly maintained and in top shape should be one of your top priorities as a driver. Without a working battery, your car would simply not start. We've gathered a collection of best tips when it comes to car batteries: Avoid Taking Too Short of Trips A fundamental concept to remember is that your battery recharges when the car is running (by the alternator). And if you're taking many short trips that involve the constant and starting of your engine, your battery won't get a chance to charge. Keep It Clean Periodically examining your battery for a buildup of dust and corrosion can prolong its life and improve its performance. If you notice any corrosive substances on the terminals, you should clean it off immediately. Be sure to wear gloves and consult the owner's manual for further guidance. If you're uncertain of your battery health, be sure to bring your car in for a proper check-up, diagnosis, and repair. Don't Be Cheap While ... read more