Posted on 3/17/2021
The fuel in your engine gets converted to heat energy that keeps your vehicle in motion. In fact, this is just how cars get going in the first place. Fuel is the food that feeds your car, but without a cooling system in good, working order, its metabolism will not slow down. A good cooling system is precisely what keeps the engine in check so that it doesn't overheat and cause damage to your car. But on the same token, it also prevents your system from getting too cold, which is when pollutants are most likely to enter your engine. Yet coolant can collect contaminants of its own over time, and that is the very reason to get an entire cooling system or radiator flush. That said, what is a cooling system flush? It's simply when a mechanic flushes out your entire radiator, then replaces it with brand new fluid. Most coolants collect rust, grime, and other particles over time and lead to other issues with your engine. In fact, failure to get a proper radiator flush can not only r ... read more